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Photo of Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul from Australia

Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul

Fighting to save their ancestral lands


Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul

Fighting to save 

their ancestral lands


Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul’s ancestors have lived on islands of the Torres Strait, the northernmost part of Australia, for thousands of years. Now their whole way of life – which as Indigenous Peoples is deeply connected to land, sea and sky – is at risk because of climate change. If the islands become uninhabitable, they will be forced to break these connections and leave their homelands.

Call on Australia to take urgent climate action.

take action

Tell the Prime Minister to protect First Nation communities along the Torres Strait

1) Write a letter for Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul (case sheet / sample letter)

2) Write a solidarity note to Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul (case sheet)